Katy's blog

This blog is for my niece Katy. She is almost 5 years old, and I am attempting to write the world from her perspective. She is such a delight, and I am proud to be raising such a joy. Check out my friends Jeff, Lisa, Kevin, and Becky at B98.5. Also visit ACH for the best doctors in the world.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Sunday, October 31, 2004

I went trick-or-treating tonight. I only got to go see a few people, Grandma and Nanna, Mrs. Inman, Mrs. Marian, Mrs. Heather, and Mrs. Michelle & Mr. Mike. They all said I was absolutely adorable though. Of course I am! I was dressed up like an angel. I had on a white onsie, a white satin skirt, Aunt Sherry put velcro on my onsie and my wings so we could take them on and off easy, and I had white satin slippers with big bows on my feet. Oh yeah, and my halo! I was just so darn cute! Mrs. Michelle gave me a bunch of suckers. She even let me lick on one! My friend Shelby was at her house with her mommy, and Shelby and I both got a sucker. We really liked that! Mrs. Michelle spoils me and Shelby 'cause she can send us home when she's done! Emmy and Jon got a ton of candy, and not just suckers! But Aunt Sherry says I have to wait until I'm at least two years old before I can have that kind of candy. She won't even let the big kids have more than one piece a day. Emmy and Aunt Sherry spent a lot of time making Emmy's costume. She was the Statue of Liberty. She looked really pretty! Jon went as Steve Urkle, boy did he look funny. His friend Andrew went with us. Nobody knows exactly what he was supposed to be. Aunt Sherry says that since the boys are 12, this is the last time they get to go trick-or-treating. But I get to go next year! Maybe I'll be able to walk by then!

Monday, October 25, 2004

Monday, October 25, 2004

Guess what??? I am a whole 8 months old today! I am growing up so fast! I just wish I had teeth!

Guess what I did this weekend? I went with Uncle Jason, Aunt Sherry, and Emmy to Louisiana for a family reunion. I got to meet a bunch of Uncle's relatives. Jon didn't go because he had to play in a double-header football game on Saturday in Little Rock. His team won both games! That was the end of their season, and they never lost a game, and never got a point scored against them! We stayed with Joyce and Del, Uncles cousins. Joyce's mom and Uncles Grandpa are siblings, but they never knew each other until 1996! Grandpa grew up thinking his daddy was dead. He went to Louisiana in 1996 to try to find his daddy's grave, and instead found out he had 9 brothers and sisters, and his daddy had only been gone for three years. So now, we try to go to the reunion every year. It was fun! I played with Madi and Skylar. They live with Joyce who is their grandma. Madi is 5, and Skylar is 11. They both have Cystic Fibrosis. We had so much fun playing! Madi has 83 trophies in her room! She has won so many pageants and dance competitions! She has crowns, and capes, and ribbons. She dressed me up in a crown, cape, and ribbon and gave me a staff that was gold with pretty jewels in it. I felt like such a princess! The crown kept falling off my head though cause I don't have enough hair to hold it on! I had so much fun! Emmy and Madi cried when it was time for us to leave. They got to be such good friends. It was a good weekend.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Monday, October 18, 2004

Whew! What a day! Aunt Sherry and I had to jump in the car and rush across town to some friends house because of the storms. There were 3 tornados right in the field behind our house! It rained so hard! The wind blew what little hair I have all over the place! It was loud! We didn't have power until just a few minutes ago, so it was dark for a long time here. When the storm was over, Aunt Sherry went outside to pick up limbs, and dig trenches to drain the water off the yard. The mayor had to go pump out the sewer because it overflowed. But we didn't get hit as hard as some towns around us. One town 20 miles away had some people killed by the same storm that hit us. They lost power for a whole day. The next town up the highway had a lot of tree damage. We drove by houses there of people we know, and Ms. Charlotte was picking up her yard and trying to find all her underpinning. Aunt Kathy and Uncle Robert's tree int he front yard decided it would rather be a houseplant, but it didn't make it all the way in. It didn't break any windows, which is amazing cause it was laying against their living room windows and front glass door. It tore up the grill and the underpinning though! But, everyone I love is okay, and didn't get hurt.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Friday, October 22, 2004

I'm feeling some better today. I'm still not sleeping much at night, but I'm sleeping all day! I still don't feel much like eating. I'll be back to my normal self in a few days. But I'm tired now, I want to go lay down.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I'm sick. I kept everybody up all night last night. I couldn't help it, I was in pain. Aunt Sherry gave me Tylenol, but it didn't help. As soon as the doctor's office opened this morning, Aunt Sherry took me in there and asked the receptionist if any doctor could see me. They told her to sign me in and in about 10 minutes, Dr. Kirk came and got us. He was so nice. He took my temperature and looked in my ears. I have had a runny nose for several days, and now I have an ear infection in both ears. He gave me some medicine he said will make me all better. Neither one of the medicines taste very good, but Aunt Sherry says I'm a good girl for taking them anyway. I'm going to bed now, the cold medicine he gave me makes me sleepy!

Friday, October 08, 2004

Friday, October 8, 2004

Today was rainy and cold. It hasn't rained here the whole time I've lived here until today! And today is Homecoming. Aunt Sherry, Uncle Jason, Jon and Emmy were all excited about Homecoming. Aunt Sherry said she hasn't missed Homecoming since she was 16. We did go to the parade. Aunty wrapped me up in a blanket, and the cousins stood by us and held umbrellas over us. The band had to march with no umbrellas! All the cheerleaders were soaking wet, the homecoming maids in their pretty dresses were sitting on tops of cars, but they were holding umbrellas! At least someone was sorta dry! After the parade we picked Uncle up from work. He got in the car and told Aunty she could go to the game if she wanted, but he'd been out in the rain all day and he was staying home. Aunty said she'd already decided to keep us kids at home. We listened to a little bit of the game on the radio, and the Ricebirds lost anyway. That's the first time they've lost Homecoming in 30 years.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

I got to go watch airplanes today! My Nanna came home from seeing baby Laila today and I got to go with Aunt Sherry to pick her up at the airport. I want to ask Nanna if she had as much fun on the plane as I did, but she doesn't understand me yet. I was so excited to see my Nanna again! Boy did I miss her! Nanna missed me too. She hugged and hugged me and kissed me! She said I look huge compared to Laila. Of course I do, she's a brand new baby, and I'm a big girl who can sit up!

Monday, October 04, 2004

Monday, October 4, 2004

Guess what I can do? I am such a big girl! I can sit up all by myself!!! I sure can! I can't get sit up by myself, but Auntie sat me up in the floor, and I stayed there! I sat up all by myself for about 15 minutes! I watched Sesame Street and played with my toes. I love sitting up! I feel so big!

Guess what else I got to do while I was sitting up? I got to play with the tiny baby kittens. They are so fuzzy and soft! I wonder what they taste like, but Aunt Sherry won't let me find out. One of the kittens is a black calico named Pepper Jane (PJ) and the other one looks like Jazzy, it's momma, and is named jack. They like to play with me too. Auntie took pictures of us playing together. I am real careful with them because they're so tiny. They're real careful with me too, they don't scratch or bite me. We had fun playing together!

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Saturday, October 2, 2004

Happy Birthday Nanna Jo!!!!! I miss you and can't wait till you come home! Kiss my new cousin Laila for me!

Friday, October 01, 2004

Friday, October 1, 2004

Happy Birthday Uncle Jason!!!!

My uncle is 30 today! Aunt Sherry got up at 5 and baked him a birthday cake to take to work with him.

Today just wasn't mine and Aunt Sherry's day. First, Jon Jon got me out of my bed about 6. he took me in the kitchen to see what his mom was doing. Boy, cake looks good! Well, he wanted to help her, so he put me on the couch. Aunt Sherry figured he put me in my swing or something. Then I rolled off the couch! I hit my fuzzy little red head on the coffee table! It hurt, but I was fine as soon as Aunt Sherry picked me up. Porr Jon Jon cried more than I did. He sat on the couch and held me and kept telling me he was sorry, and he loved me. I tried to tell him I was ok, but it took me forever to calm him down!

Then, everybody was in the car waiting for me and Aunt Sherry. She had me in one arm, and her wallet and keys in the other hand. She stuck one foot out to try to pull the door shut, and her other foot went out from under us. We fell on the concrete! I was fine, Aunt Sherry made sure I never touched the ground. But she hurt her back and hip. She screamed and everyone came running to help. Jon Jon took me, Emmy took all the stuff, and Uncle helped her up and to the car.

And then, we were at Wal-Mart after Uncle went to work, looking for birthday presents for him and Taylor, the girl next door, and I fell sideways in the shopping cart and konked the other side of my fuzzy head on the cart! Didn't even leave a mark!

THEN--- Aunt Sherry was mopping the kitchen, and we both got hungry, so she grabbed a towel to dry the floor real fast. I was laughing watching her dance around the floor on a towel! That was so funny! She stepped back off the towel when she was done, and her foot hit the one spot she missed, and bam! she went down on her knee!

She called Gramma and was telling Gramma about everything, and Gramma told her she needed to go to bed and stay there! Sounds good to me! I love to sleep! At least we only have to go out one more time today!

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