Monday, October 25, 2004
Guess what??? I am a whole 8 months old today! I am growing up so fast! I just wish I had teeth!
Guess what I did this weekend? I went with Uncle Jason, Aunt Sherry, and Emmy to Louisiana for a family reunion. I got to meet a bunch of Uncle's relatives. Jon didn't go because he had to play in a double-header football game on Saturday in Little Rock. His team won both games! That was the end of their season, and they never lost a game, and never got a point scored against them! We stayed with Joyce and Del, Uncles cousins. Joyce's mom and Uncles Grandpa are siblings, but they never knew each other until 1996! Grandpa grew up thinking his daddy was dead. He went to Louisiana in 1996 to try to find his daddy's grave, and instead found out he had 9 brothers and sisters, and his daddy had only been gone for three years. So now, we try to go to the reunion every year. It was fun! I played with Madi and Skylar. They live with Joyce who is their grandma. Madi is 5, and Skylar is 11. They both have Cystic Fibrosis. We had so much fun playing! Madi has 83 trophies in her room! She has won so many pageants and dance competitions! She has crowns, and capes, and ribbons. She dressed me up in a crown, cape, and ribbon and gave me a staff that was gold with pretty jewels in it. I felt like such a princess! The crown kept falling off my head though cause I don't have enough hair to hold it on! I had so much fun! Emmy and Madi cried when it was time for us to leave. They got to be such good friends. It was a good weekend.
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