Katy's blog

This blog is for my niece Katy. She is almost 5 years old, and I am attempting to write the world from her perspective. She is such a delight, and I am proud to be raising such a joy. Check out my friends Jeff, Lisa, Kevin, and Becky at B98.5. Also visit ACH for the best doctors in the world.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

I've been a busy girl!

I've been such a busy girl! I'm still going to Easter Seals day school, and I'm in the 2 year old class now. Our class is much bigger than the Toddler class we were in. My little sis and my friend Jack Jack are both in the Toddler class now. I like to go visit them sometimes. But in my class, we have fish, hermit crabs, and guinea pigs!

I'm saying lots more words now, but sometimes I still like to use sign language to tell mommy what I want. It's just easier. I'm sitting on the potty sometimes now too, but I never have to go when they put me on there!

I'm getting big too! I am 3 feet tall exactly, I weigh 30 pounds, and I have huge feet. I just got new inserts (for my flat feet) and shoes about 6 weeks ago, and I've already grown out of them. I like to keep my toenails painted too. I tell mommy "pink" and she paints them for me.

My little sis stayed with us yesterday. We fought a lot. I tried to run over her with the stroller, and she got mad at me. Then Aunt Cathi came over to pick her up, and Laila came with her. Laila had a pen and notebook, I just wanted to write too, but she kept yelling "no Kaky" at me.

My Aunt Cathi is going to have a baby any day now. She says it's another girl. Her name will be Isabella. That's funny 'cause mommy's friend just had a baby girl Wednesday, and her name is Isabella too. She's little bitty. They won't let me play with her.

I have a new baby kitten too! She's fluffy and white, with orange ears and an orange striped tail. She's so soft! My mommy cat, Jasmine, had her. I don't know what we'll name her yet. We have a couple other cats, Paint and Mira. Plus there's Roscoe Boots Cat, my nana's cat, who lives with us, but he doesn't come around much. I also have a doggy. His name is Hovis, but I can't say my v's yet, so I just leave it out. I like to bark at him. He doesn't like me to pet him too much. Maybe it's because of the fur I pulled out when I was too little to remember to be gentle.

My big bubby and sissy are about to play soccer. I can't play until next year cause I'm too little still. Mommy and Dadda are their coaches. Mommy tries to teach me how to kick the ball, but I'd rather throw it. Maybe I'll be a great baseball player one day!

Well, it's about time for my nap. "I yuf you!"


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