Katy's blog

This blog is for my niece Katy. She is almost 5 years old, and I am attempting to write the world from her perspective. She is such a delight, and I am proud to be raising such a joy. Check out my friends Jeff, Lisa, Kevin, and Becky at B98.5. Also visit ACH for the best doctors in the world.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Thursday September 29

Well, I went to the hospital today for my test. I wasn't allowed to have anything to eat or drink until I got there! They undressed me and made me lay on this long, cold table. Then they put this big box over me. Then they turned off the lights and turned on the big box! It was hooked to a tv. The nurse fixed me a bottle. The stuff she gave me was kinda yucky, but I was starving, so I drank it. They watched the TV while I drank the bottle then they made me lay there a while longer. Then they told me I was a good girl and I could go home. I'm ready for some real food now!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Tuesday, September 27

Dr. Kirk said he's not sure what's the matter with me. I'm throwing up a lot now, so he changed my antibiotic and I have to go to the hospital in the morning for tests. Dr. Kirk put a baggie in my diaper so he could look at my pee. He's a weird man! But he said my pee is normal. I'm glad of that!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

I'm so sick, but I got 2 new teef!

I spent most of the day today at the hospital getting poked and x-rayed. My fever was 105. I feel so bad. My head hurts. My whole body hurts. They don't know what's wrong with me but a little ear infection. My ear doesn't hurt though. I probably can't go to school next week. We'll see what my Dr. Kirk says Tuesday. Nite-nite.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Laila's party

We had Laila's party today at her house. Aunt Cathi made 3 cakes, one is Laila's all for herself. All of Uncle Tony's family came. He had 16 cousins, aunts, and uncles who ran away from Rita. They came to Laila's party. Me and Laila's Nana Jo was there, and Laila's grandma and grandpa. Bob came too. Laila got all kinds of toys and clothes. Aunt Cathi gave her her cake, and boy did she make a mess! She was giving bites to all the big people, so everybody had blue frosting all over their faces! I don't feel good today, I have a little fever. But the party was fun!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Happy Birthday Laila!

My cousin Laila is 1 year old today! She started walking 2 days ago. She's so short! I didn't know how short she was till she could stand up! I'm so big! My baby sister Lainie lives with Laila, and she's as tall as Laila! I got Laila a Princess chair, but don't tell her, it's a surprise! We're having a party for her on Saturday.

All my family in Texas left their houses yesterday. They're talking about somebody real bad named Rita. She might hurt their houses. What's a hurry-cane? She's gonna break their houses with it! My Aunt Jamie and cousin Jacob went to San Antonio. My Aunt Sarah and cousins Michale and Joshua went to Dallas. My Grandpa got stuck in traffic and nobody has any gas. My Aunt Cindy and cousins Britti and Blake are going to my uncles house a few hours from us. She said she will come see us! I hope their houses will all be ok.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Happy Labor Day!

I had a fun weekend. Sunday after church, we went next door for a fish fry. I got to eat fish and french fries. I had some shush-puppies on my plate, and they worked, the puppy shushed when I snuck them to her!

I wanted so bad to get down and play in the dirt. Finally the big people let me! I played with the dirt, and the leaves, and pecans. I finally got to eat a leaf! It was yucky! Dirt isn't too bad though. Only thing wrong with dirt is the bath you have to take later. Everybody was laughing at me! They all thought I was cute with dirt in my hair.

We didn't do anything today. We slept in. Dada didn't have to go to work. We just were lazy today. My Aunt Cathi called and my cousin Laila took 5 steps today! She'll be 1 in a few weeks. I'm getting better at walking. My physical therapist says I need special shoes because my bones are crooked in my feet. My baby sister goes to school with me now, and she's gonna get all the therapies too. They say by the time we start school, we'll be just like all the other kids. Some of them are brats though, I'm not sure I wanna be like them!

I'm a tired baby, so I guess I'm going to bed. Oh yeah, guess what? I got rid of my bottles for good now! I'm so big! I don't need no stinkin bottles! I can drink from a cup!

Friday, September 02, 2005

I got two new toofs!

I got two new toofs today! They're on the bottom, between my 4 front teeth and my molars. Now I have 14 teeth! Garcon, I shall have that steak now!

I'm also sick. I slept all day at school. I started running fever after momma picked me up. My baby sister Lainie goes to school there now too, so my momma pickes her up too. She lives with Aunt Cathi. I have a runny nose, and I just feel miserable. Momma says they're harvesting rice and burning fields, she's sick too. Everybody but Emily is sick today. I hate being sick cause momma makes me take yucky medicine.

I have new friends in my class at school! Last week was graduation day, and I'm the only one who stayed in my class. The rest of my friends moved up to the 2 year old class. I got a new teacher too. Her name is Miss Heather. My old teacher went back to college. I have lots of new friends now, and even an old friend! My friend Haleigh from church just started school here, and she's in my class! We have fun playing together!

Well, time for night-night.

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