Sunday, May 20, 2007
Long time no see
I'm 3 years old now! Actually, I've been three for a few months now. My birthday was February 25. I'm 3'1" tall and weigh 35 pounds. I'm talking more now too. Just a couple of weeks ago, I started using "I" to begin sentences. This morning I told mommy "I want peepee potty" so she took me to the potty. I had already peepeed in my diaper, but mommy was proud of me anyway.
Guess where I went Friday? I went to the zoo! I got to see all kinds of animals! Mommy couldn't go because she was very sick. But my primary caregiver at Easter Seals, Miss Amy, pushed me around in my stroller all day. She kept making me sit still so she could put sunblock on my face. I hate sunblock, but I hate sunburns even worse, and I burn real fast. I got to see all the monkeys and lions and bears. I liked the birds. They were pretty. Miss Amy tried to take me out of my stroller and let me walk some, but I didn't want to. I pitched a big fit, so she put me back in my stroller.
I get to go back and see my eye doctor next month. I like him. He's real nice. He gives me suckers. So far my eyes are doing real good! He told my mommy after my first surgery that I might have to have another surgery before I was 5, but so far, it doesn't look like I'll have to. I'm glad, the shot he gave me made me really loopy!
Well, I'm about to go outside with mommy and play on my swing. See ya!