Katy's blog

This blog is for my niece Katy. She is almost 5 years old, and I am attempting to write the world from her perspective. She is such a delight, and I am proud to be raising such a joy. Check out my friends Jeff, Lisa, Kevin, and Becky at B98.5. Also visit ACH for the best doctors in the world.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


I had drool on my foot for some reason.

See my curls!

See my temper!

my little sis Lainie

my cousin Laila

I'm getting so big! I am 35 1/2 inches tall, and weigh 27 pounds! My vocabulary is getting bigger too! I can say mama, dada, nono, hi, bye, bubby, sissy, cat, boo, whoa, and cookie! Cookie is my newest word! I talk all the time, but nobody understands much of what I say yet except for Laila and Lainie. They understand me real well! I can brush my own hair now too!

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