Katy's blog

This blog is for my niece Katy. She is almost 5 years old, and I am attempting to write the world from her perspective. She is such a delight, and I am proud to be raising such a joy. Check out my friends Jeff, Lisa, Kevin, and Becky at B98.5. Also visit ACH for the best doctors in the world.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I'm in school!

I'm so big! Mama took me to my new school Monday. I go to Easter Seals school. My teacher is really nice, her name is Miss Amanda. She has a little boy. He's in my class too. There are 13 kids in my class! I'm the littlest one though, all the rest of em are 18 months old and up. All the other kids can walk, and I get a therapist who's gonna teach me how to walk too. Another therapist is gonna teach me how to talk. My mama knows what I'm saying, so I think they are the ones who need to learn how to hear!

I got to play with a real live bunny rabbit! It was brown and fuzzy! It is so soft! I am learning my abc's too. Yesterday, some people came and had a cookout for all the kids in school. They fixed us hot dogs. We got ice cream cones for dessert! I get two snacks every day, and I can't have my bottle. But that's ok, I think I'm getting too big for a bottle anyway. None of the other kids in my class have a bottle.

Some of the kids at my school use machines to help them walk. Some other ones use a machine to help them breathe. Other kids kind of talk funny. There are lots of kids! Our teachers are always telling us how special we are!

We have a big playground. We have special toys that the kids who have machines helping them walk can play on too. On Friday, we all get to come to school in our bathing suits and water shoes! We get to play in the water all day! Sounds like fun!

Well, I have to go to bed now, I have to get up early for school!


At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi..it's aunt cindy........testing..........


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