I'm back!
I'm back! We finally got a new computer so now I can keep up with my adoring fans now!
Guess what? I turned 1 year old last Friday!!! And two days before that, my parents had another little girl, Viola Elaine. I'm a big sister! I've only gotten to see her once, on Sunday after Church at my birthday party. She has brown hair and is little bitty.
Well, lets see, so much has happened. Our old computer blew up and we just got a new one. I'll just take you back to Christmas and work from there.
Christmas was so much fun! I got so many presents! I just loooooooove wrapping paper! So many colors, so many textures! Ribbons and bows, oh boy, lots to chew on! I had a lot of fun playing with all the boxes too! There were toys and stuff in some of the boxes i guess.
I had eye surgery on February 14. My eyes were crossed, and now they're not! My left eye does drift sometimes when I'm tired, but it doesn't bother me much. I had to be at the hospital at 5:30 in the morning, so Aunt Sherry and Uncle Jason took me to Little Rock to stay in a hotel on Sunday night. We got up very early and went to the hospital. I got to meet the guys I hear on the radio all the time! The radio station (b98.com) started its' Champions For Children Radiothon that morning. Aunt Sherry was a Change Angel raising money from peoples pocket change. She raised $108.65. The radiothon was the last stage of the fundraiser. We talked to one of the dj's, Jeff for a few minutes before I went upstairs to the surgery center. They took me in a little room, a nurse came in to talk to me, then I had to put on a set of yellow scrubs. I got really fussy, so the nurse came and brought me a shot to calm me down. Whoa, was I a drunk baby!!! Our pastor, Bro. Gregg came to see me before surgery. He drove all that way to see me at 6:30 in the morning! He was laughing at me when I was drunk, and he told Auntie "This is the only time I'll laugh about your kid being drunk, it won't be so funny in 15 years!" He's a riot! Then they came to take my to surgery. I wasn't sure where I was going. But the let me go to sleep right after I got there. When I woke up, I didn't know where I was. I was so unhappy. They let Aunt and Uncle come in the recovery room and hold me. They gave me a bottle finally. I hadn't had anything to eat since the night before when my folks too me to Tia's Tex Mex. I drank 3 of those little bottles! I got scared because when I cried, my tears were red. I didn't understand. And my eyes were sore. Aunty told me that while I was in surgery, Scott and Jeff asked them to come on the radio and tell my story. After I was released at 10:30, we went downstairs and I got to be on the radio! There are two pictures of me talking on the radio with the dj's at http://www.b98.com/photoWallPhoto.asp?wallID=12644&photoID=915126 That is one picture, you can see the next if you click "next" The guy in the red shirt is Jeff. His little girl Mary Grace is exactly one week older than me. The guy in the gray shirt is Scott. They said while I was in surgery, people were calling to ask how I was! I had to go back to the doctor on the 16th for a checkup, and I went to see Scott and Jeff again. Jeff gave me a bitty B98 tshirt. Between the Change Angels and the Radiothon, almost $200,000 was raised for Arkansas Childrens Hospital! I had fun being a part of it.
In the 11 days between my surgery and my 1st birthday, I learned to crawl, I learned to pull up, and I took a few steps holding onto my bed! I can finally see right! There's no stopping me now! My doctor said there's an 85% chance I won't have to have any more surgery. I don't need glasses right now either. My vision is normal!
My birthday party was a blast! Auntie baked me a carrot cake. She made me my very own little cake. She also made a funfetti cake for everyone who didn't like carrot cake. I opened all my presents, then Auntie changed me into one of my new dresses, set me on the table, and gave me my cake. I looked at it, then stuck a finger in it. Ooooh, it was good! I started grabbing hunks of it and shoving it in my mouth! I ate about 1/3 of the cake before I was done! I got cake all over the place! Even on my Grandma's painting on the wall! Emmy sat in a chair right behind me so everyone else could take pictures. She had her cake and ice cream on a plate. I grabbed her ice cream off her plate! But boy was it cold! I dropped it on the table. When I was done eating, Auntie asked Aunt Cathi to go start me a bath. Then she took me and dunked me in the tub and scrubbed me up good. I was kinda wild for a little while after that, but then I fell asleep. I was so sound asleep I didn't even know when I got out of my carseat and went in my house to my bed. I had a tummyache when I woke up, but it was worth it!
Well, it's nap time for me now. Uncle and Emily are home today sick with the flu, so I'm going to go to sleep for a while so Auntie can take care of the sick ones. I got my flu shots so I have so far escaped getting sick. Auntie and Jon had it last week. See y'all later!
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