Katy's blog

This blog is for my niece Katy. She is almost 5 years old, and I am attempting to write the world from her perspective. She is such a delight, and I am proud to be raising such a joy. Check out my friends Jeff, Lisa, Kevin, and Becky at B98.5. Also visit ACH for the best doctors in the world.

Monday, March 07, 2005

My weekend

Boy was it pretty here this weekend. That yellow thing in the sky seems to be fixed now. I got to play outside in my playpen while mama planted flowers and the cousins played basketball. Emmy and Taylor from next door put me in my stroller and took me for a walk around town. We're not allowed to go past the little white church, cause that's as far as mama can see us. Mama took me for a walk later and showed me all kinds of flowers and trees. Everything is turning green and yellow around here! I wanted to taste one of the flowers, but mama wouldn't let me. No fun.

I also got a new stroller! It is really pretty! And it's big so I have lots of room to stretch out! I can just lean back and feel the breeze through my red curls while mama does all the work of walking! One day soon, I'm gonna figure out how to walk! I just learned to pull up on things and walk holding onto stuff. I'm finally figuring out how to get down from standing up without bonking my head. I was scared to fall on my butt, but I realized it really doesn't hurt!

We cooked on the grill Saturday and Sunday. Saturday we grilled ribs. I got a bone to gnaw on. Mama was nice enough to leave a little meat and fat on the bone for me. Boy, was that sooooo goooood! I got so mad when she took it away from me and took me to the bath.

On Sunday, we cooked steaks to eat then, and chicken to eat tonight. I got a few bites of steak. I can't wait until I have enough teeth to not have to eat baby food anymore! Big people food is so much better! I can't wait for tonight when I get to have a chicken bone! I like to have a little hot sauce on my chicken bone. I love spicy stuff! But I'm confused, Jon says we have to come to his track meet today after school. We already got chicken cooked, what kind of meat is track? Is it good with hot sauce???


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